ConnectSC is the central hub for career services. Please select the appropriate portal below to get started.
For Students
Obtain information on jobs, employers, career center services, workshops, events, programs, employer Trojan Talks, and other topics of interest.
For Employers
Post jobs and internships, participate in On-Campus Recruiting, register for Trojan Talks and career fairs, and other topics of interest.
For Alumni
Obtain information on jobs, employers, Career Center services, workshops, events, programs, and other topics of interest. See below for steps to create your account. To create your alumni connectSC account you will need your alumni record number issued by the USC Alumni Association. Your alumni record number can be found in your profile on the FightOnline alumni portal or on your digital membership card. If you need access to FightOnline, please submit a request with the USC Alumni Association at and include a note that you are trying to access your Career Services account.