Graduate Certificate in Advanced Pharmacy Practice (GCAPP)

USC Mann Graduate Certificate for Advanced Pharmacy Practice (GCAPP) program provides a pathway to residency or licensure for non-U.S.-trained pharmacists with advanced degrees. Participants can fulfill their pharmacy practice requirements within two semesters and prepare for licensure (NAPLEX) or residency (PGY1) in the United States.


What Courses Will I Take?

The GCAPP program mirrors the fourth year of the PharmD program, which consists of practical pharmacy rotations and the online capstone course. This portion of the program amounts to 1440 of the 1500 hours required for licensure in California. To meet the 1500 hour requirement, participants will have the option of enrolling in the Advanced Practice Pharmacist Certificate in Comprehensive Medicine Management (APP-CMM), an intensive one-day workshop offered through the school’s Continuing and Professional Education program for an additional fee. In addition, the Community Pharmacy APPE will be extended by several days as needed to ensure that each participant earns the requisite 1500 hours.

Required Courses
Course #TitleUnits
PHRD 701Acute Care Clinical APPE6
PHRD 704Primary Care APPE6
PHRD 705Community Pharmacy APPE6
PHRD 718Hospital Pharmacy Practice APPE6
PHRD 796 (ab)Doctor of Pharmacy Capstone ((a) in the fall, and (b) in the spring)0
Elective Courses (Must take two of the below)
Course #TitleUnits
PHRD 714Nuclear Pharmacy APPE6
PHRD 725International Pharmacy Practice Experience3 or 6
PHRD 731Advanced Geriatrics APPE6
PHRD 738Pharmaceutical Industry APPE6
PHRD 750Advanced Pharmacy Practice Elective (APPE)6
PHRD 751Non-traditional Advanced Pharmacy Practice Elective (APPE)6


Total Required Units24
Total Elective Units12
Grand Total36

Practice Hours

From Required Units960
From Elective Units480
From APP-CMM Program28
From Extended community Pharmacy Rotation32
Grand Total1500