“Our graduates will conduct research across clinical and basic science disciplines, integrating basic investigations and clinical observations in applied research to better understand disease processes, advance drug development and evaluate efficacy and toxicity or therapeutic regimens.”
The Progressive MS in Clinical & Experimental Therapeutics program will enable top eligible USC undergraduates to begin work on the MS in Clinical & Experimental Therapeutics degree while completing requirements for the bachelor’s degree. The master’s degree can be obtained in as little as one additional year after the bachelor’s degree. This pathway allows taking graduate-level courses during the senior year and will benefit from reduced number of units (24 vs 28) required to earn the degree.
- Undergraduates in their Junior year may apply for this pathway. Seniors graduating in the fall may also apply; must complete all undergraduate coursework by fall.
- Open to all majors; basic biology and chemistry knowledge preferred
- Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at time of application
- Completed at least 64 units but has not exceeded 96 total units of undergraduate course work (excludes AP, IB, or transfer units earned prior to graduation from high school)
- No GRE requirement
- Note: financial aid eligibility differs for students in Progressive Degree programs. Please visit Financial Aid Enrollment in a Progressive Degree Program for more details.
The Application for Admission to a Progressive Master’s Program should include:
- Application form
- STARS report (office of Academic Records and Registrar)
- Transfer Credit Report
- Proposed Course Plan: Constructed with advisors for both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Must include all remaining undergraduate course requirements and at least two-thirds of the graduate program requirements
- Juniors: 2 letters of recommendation from USC faculty.
- Graduating seniors : 1 letter of recommendation from a faculty member in their major field of study for students with a cumulative GPA of 3.2-3.49. No letter for students with above a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
- Application and Proposed Course Plan should be approved by:
– Undergraduate program department chair and dean
– Master’s program department chair and dean - Please visit Progressive Degree Frequently Asked Questions for additional information about applying.
- Applications can be submitted year-round on a rolling basis. The application deadline varies depending on the applicant.
- First deadline option: Applicants that submit a complete application before the end of the fifth week of classes in a given semester will receive their decision in time to register, if necessary, for 500 level graduate courses the following semester.
- Final deadline option: Applicants that submit a complete application before the last day of final exams in a given semester will receive their decision by the end of the next semester. Applications submitted after the final deadline will include the term units (this can affect eligibility).
- The approved application and course plan submitted to Degree Progress by the Master’s program department and added to the student’s academic records.
- Must complete all degree requirements for both the bachelor’s and the master’s degrees. MS with a minimum two-thirds of the units (at least 18 units) at or above the 500 level courses.
- Must complete both degree programs within 12 semesters (6 years).
- Classified as undergraduate students for the first eight semesters of USC enrollment. In the ninth semester, graduate status will be assigned. Appropriate graduate tuition rate and graduate standards will apply after students are classified as graduate students.
– Per USC Catalog: Students are classified as undergraduate students until their undergraduate degree is conferred or they complete 144 units or until they receive a research or teaching assistant award, whichever comes first. If a transfer student’s course work is not accepted for credit toward the degree, he or she may appeal to request that those units not count toward the 144 units. - The bachelor’s degree may be awarded separately, but the master’s degree will not be awarded before the undergraduate degree.