Preceptor Development CE Course Offerings

The preceptor development continuing education course offerings provides pharmacists with the skills and knowledge for providing effective rotation experiences as preceptors. Participants will gain an understanding of the principles of precepting, such as building relationships, evaluation techniques, and goal setting. All USC preceptors should begin with the course Preceptor Survival Guide to Professional Experience Programs, followed by the other course topics such as the Pharmacist’ Patient Care Process, Cultural Competency in Pharmacy, DEI Preceptor Workshop, and Burnout Management and Prevention.  Upon completion of these courses, pharmacists will be better equipped to mentor and teach the next generation of pharmacists.

Providing Cultural Humility and Agility to LGBTQ+ Communities

DEI Preceptor Workshop

Preceptor Survival Guide to Professional Experience Programs (Preceptor Orientation)

Developing APPE Course Syllabi 

Currently Unavailable

Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process 

Cultural Competency in Pharmacy: A Guide for Preceptors 

Burnout: Management and Prevention (Coming Soon)