Opioid overdose has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Pharmacists are called upon to recognize prescription and illicit opioid abuse and recommend treatment. Pharmacists are also called upon to recommend optimal pain management that includes appropriate use of opioids and other interventions. Learn from a USC expert in pain therapeutics on how to balance pain management with opioid safety.
Target Audience: Pharmacists interested in how to balance pain management with opioid safety.
Goals: To provide pharmacists with the knowledge and skills to recognize prescription and illicit opioid abuse and recommend optimal pain management and treatment that includes appropriate use of opioids and other interventions.
Credit: Earn 1.5 hours of continuing education credit
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Describe the major influences on opioid related deaths in the US since the 1990s
- Discuss the role of the pharmacist in the U.S. Opioid crisis
- Describe methods to assist in recognizing patients who are at risk for, or currently abusing opioids
- Discuss potential methods for reducing risk on the part of dispensers and prescribers when managing patients with pain
- Differentiate the role and approach of each member if the multidisciplinary pain management team
- Given a patient with nociceptive or neuropathic pain, develop an appropriate multi-modal treatment plan
- Describe emerging therapies in pain management

Melissa Durham, PharmD, MACM, APh, BCACP
Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
USC Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Los Angeles, California
Speaker/program administrator report no conflict of interest, real and apparent, and no financial interest in any company, product or service mentioned in this activity, including grants, gifts, stockholdings, and honoraria.
General Registration: $50
Special Registration: $35 (approved-preceptor, alumni and QSAD)