This ACPE-accredited application-based online 1 hour course is designed by our experts in pharmacogenomics to assist pharmacists in providing the latest information in the field of research that studies how genes affect a person’s response to drugs. Pharmacists are distinctly suited to meet the need for patient counseling and interpretation of pharmacogenomic results because of their unique training and strategic placement in the community setting.
Target Audience: Pharmacists and other healthcare professionals with an interest in updates on pharmacogenomics
Goals: To provide pharmacists with an overview of pharmacogenomics and information necessary for the appropriate use of pharmacogenomic testing
Credit: Earn 1 hour of continuing education credit
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
1. Counsel a patient on the appropriate use of pharmacogenomic testing (benefits/limitations/risks)
2. Identify drug-gene pairs for medication-gene interactions
3. Describe the effect of genotypic variations on drug metabolism
4. Interpret pharmacogenomic results and apply this information to patient case(s) using appropriate guidelines.
Course Instructors

Scott Mosley, PharmD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy
USC Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Los Angeles, California

Negin Sazgar, PharmD
PGY-1 Resident in Pharmacy Practice
USC Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Los Angeles, California
Speaker/program administrator report no conflict of interest, real and apparent, and no financial interest in any company, product or service mentioned in this activity, including grants, gifts, stockholdings, and honoraria.
General Registration: $35
Special Registration (approved preceptor, alumni, QSAD): $25