Program Learning Objectives
The Program Learning Objectives for the PhD program in Health Economics are available here.
Academic Content
The doctoral program in Health Economics requires coursework in economics, preventive medicine, policy research and epidemiology. Additionally, specialized courses in pharmaceutical economics, including pharmaceutical policy, health economics, economic assessment methods, applied health econometrics and welfare theory are part of the core curriculum taught within the department. A limited number of electives in public administration, biostatistics, comparative analysis of health systems, gerontology, marketing, pricing, psychology and other related disciplines are considered on an individual basis. From the beginning of the academic program, students are encouraged to work closely with faculty on collaborative research projects.
The following areas of specialization are recommended for PhD candidates in the Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy track:
Methodology of Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analyses
Industrial Organization of Pharmaceutical Markets
Quantitative Methods in Pharmaceutical Economics
Government Policy and Regulation of Pharmaceuticals
International Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy
Grade Requirements
A grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 and typically considerably higher (on a scale of 4.0) must have been achieved on all graduate work at USC for the passing of the screening procedure. The Graduate School requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 on all coursework taken as a graduate student at USC. A grade of “B” (3.0) or higher must be attained in at least one graduate-level course in econometrics.
Course Requirements
The PhD in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy requires 24 units of graduate-level courses numbered 500 or higher (excluding 794) and a minimum of 4 units of 794. Normally, a full-time graduate student course load is three full courses or their equivalent per semester, with a four-course maximum. Students must complete the following course sequence:
Year 1 – Fall
PMEP 509 Research Design
PMEP 547 Programming Methods for Empirical Analysis of Health Data
PMEP 510 Foundations of Health Economics
Year 1 – Spring
PMEP 535 Behavioral Science and Policy in Healthcare
PMEP 539 Economic Assessment of Medical Care
PMEP 551 Introduction to Health Econometrics
Year 2 – Fall
PMEP 525 Pharmacoeconomics I
PMEP 534 Health Economics I
PMEP 552 Advanced Health Econometrics I
Year 2 – Spring
PMEP 526 Pharmacoeconomics II
PMEP 544 Health Economics II
PMEP 553 Advanced Health Econometrics II
Exceptions to this course sequence will be considered on an individual basis.
Additional Requirements
Course Offerings
- For Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy (PMEP) courses, see School of Pharmacy.
- For Economics (ECON) courses, see the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.
- For Preventive Medicine (PM) courses, see Keck School of Medicine
Schedule of Classes
For course availability for the current year see the Schedule of Classes. Most department courses are listed as TBA to facilitate scheduling course lectures around courses provided by other Departments.