USC Master of Science in Healthcare Decision Analysis is a specialized graduate program that directly prepares you for business careers in healthcare, biopharmaceuticals, consulting, health insurance, and medical technology.

Our real-world STEM training provides strategic management tools and actionable insights for improving healthcare value, access, reimbursement, and health outcomes.

Learn to build, evaluate and apply quantitative models and analysis to optimize business decisions and outcomes in healthcare industries.

Program Benefits

  • Acquire a portfolio of analytic capabilities to optimize healthcare business decisions
  • Apply strategic management tools to make an immediate impact in any healthcare business
  • Gain policy insights to lead organizations through the changing health reform landscape
  • Learning-by-doing through team collaborations and scenario-based learning problem solving representing current real-world situations and critical decision pathways
  • Lectures from industry executives offered across healthcare decision analysis courses, offering unique access to insights and critical skills from experts in the respective fields
  • Professional development through dedicated support from program staff and networking

Requirements for Degree Completion

The Master of Science in Healthcare Decision Analysis degree requires the completion of 33 units with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

  • HDCA 500 U.S. Health Systems: Healthcare Access and Delivery (3 units)
  • HCDA 502 Comparative International Healthcare Systems (3 units)
  • HCDA 503 Competitive Healthcare Intelligence (3 units)
  • HCDA 507 Foundations of Product Development and Commercialization (3 units)
  • HCDA 510 Business Implications of Healthcare Policy (3 units)
  • HCDA 515 Healthcare Decision Analysis and Modeling (3 units)
  • HCDA 520 Health Economics and Outcomes Methodology (3 units)
  • HCDA 525 Healthcare Literature Analysis and Applications (3 units)
  • HCDA 540 Healthcare Organization Management and Leadership (3 units)
  • HCDA 550 Healthcare Innovation: Creativity to Value (3 units)
  • HCDA 553 Advanced Pricing Strategies (3 units)
  • HCDA 560 Managing Effective Partnerships and Mergers (3 units)
  • HCDA 580 Seminars in Healthcare Decision Analysis (1-3 units)
  • HCDA 589 Healthcare Consulting Enterprise Team Project (3 units)
  • HCDA 590 Directed Research (1-3 units)
  • HCDA 599 Special Topics: Introduction to Healthcare Data Analytics (3 units)

  • BPMK 500 Biopharmaceutical Marketing Management (3 units)
  • BPMK 503 Biopharmaceutical Advertising and Communication (3 units)
  • BPMK 504 Market Access and Reimbursement Strategy (3 units)
  • BPMK 506 Biopharmaceutical Product Pricing & Competition (3 units)
  • BPMK 508 Biopharmaceutical Marketing Research and Analytics (3 units)