Spring 2022
Comprehensive overview of early drug discovery and medicinal product development; in vitro and in vivo assays simulations/modeling, biopharmaceutical classification system, drug delivery science and technology.
Introduces marketing analysis and strategy for biopharmaceutical drugs. Learn to conduct analysis to develop integrated marketing strategies and to execute on marketing and promotion plans.
Ethics as a challenge in the pharmaceuticals industry. Organizational ethics and bioethics related to research, development and marketing across the public and healthcare professional groups.
This course is designed to get students to think critically about alcohol and recreational drug use, abuse and addiction and construct thoughtful, accurate narratives about these topics as represented in the media.
This course explores a spectrum of brain disorders, spanning a wide range of topics including neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia and autism; neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases; neurological conditions linked to alcohol and substance use disorders, and much more.
Global perspectives; discovery and use of drugs (legal/illegal); poisons. How they helped shape, modify or change history as described in classical literature through present day.
Drug/Receptor interactions, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics. Safe and effective drug administration; differences in pediatric and geriatric populations. Current therapies, adverse effects and drug interactions.
Neuropharmacological treatments of brain disorders including neurodegenerative disorders, injury, and disease; influence of environment and experiences on neuroplasticity and brain development; drug discovery.
Principles, concepts, challenges and short comings of modern day drug discovery and development of medicines. Inter-relationships with regulatory, ethical and societal sectors presented.
Principles of human immunological responses to maintain wellness and perturbation in disease. Focus on discovery, development and use of therapeutic strategies targeting immune mechanisms.
Globalization; pharmaceuticals, biologics, medical devices, and combination products in advanced, emerging, and developing markets; regional and national regulations, global and regional harmonization efforts, ethical considerations.
Modern perspectives; discovery and use of legal and illicit drugs including alcohol and opioids. How drugs have helped, shaped, modified or changed individuals and society.
Plant medicines; how discovered; activity; pharmacology, toxicity and human benefit; emphasis on the US, Europe and China.
Global perspectives Maymester – Folk Medicines, Geography, and History of the Balkans through immersive travel..