Whether you’re going on a business trip to China or a safari in Tanzania, the USC International Travel Health Clinic provides itinerary-specific guidance.
The clinical pharmacists who staff the clinic, who hold certificates in travel health from the International Society of Travel Medicine, not only recommend and provide routine vaccinations and travel-related medications, but also offer advice on avoiding illnesses and environmental hazards. They even offer suggestions for over-the-counter medications and equipment to make your journeys healthier.
Travel Clinic Facts

Of the 855 travel-related vaccines given at USC International Travel Health Clinic in 2015, here are the most common:
- typhoid
- hepatitis A/hepatitis B
- tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis
- yellow fever
- flu
- Japanese encephalitis
- meningitis

Of the 410 travelers who visited the clinic in 2015, here are the top destinations:
- Thailand
- India
- Cambodia
- Vietnam
- Peru
- China
Ready to prepare for your next international journey? Learn more about the USC International Travel Health Clinic at pharmacies.usc.edu/services or by calling 323-442-5992.