Making a Global Impact in the Field of Regulatory Affairs

Prof. RichmondWhile the field of regulatory science continues to expand both in importance and scope, director of the School of Pharmacy’s regulatory science program, Frances Richmond, has worked to ensure that the School is on the forefront of education in this field, preparing its future global leaders.

On November 28, Richmond’s efforts were recognized with an Award for Excellence in Regulatory Affairs presented by The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs, a global organization based in London.

Richmond’s award was in the Education category, given to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the world of regulatory education and training. According to TOPRA, she received this award due to her longstanding dedication.

Richmond has been developing academic programs in the field of regulatory science for over 20 years. In 2001, she launched the MS in Regulatory Science at the School of Pharmacy, and in 2008, she founded the first doctorate program in Regulatory Science in the world.

She received this award from among the largest pool of candidates of any of the categories. Richmond is also the director of the International Center for Regulatory Science at USC.

TOPRA includes members from 40 countries, who are actively involved in delivering the services needed by busy regulatory specialists. Members are drawn from industry, the regulatory agencies and the consultancy community and work in all sectors including medical technologies, biotech, borderline products and pharmaceuticals.