November 2018
Dear Friends of USC Mann,
There has never been a more exciting time to be part of the pharmacy profession. Technology is helping fuel new lifesaving discoveries and making pharmaceuticals more effective, dosing more precise, and patient data more detailed and accessible to foster increasingly personalized medicine.
But some things never change. The fundamental purpose of pharmaceutical innovation remains cura personalis, or care for the whole person. Patients turn to pharmacists for health information they can trust as well as continuity of care for chronic diseases. Doctors depend on pharmacists as critical members of the healthcare team. The community looks to the profession for advances in scientific knowledge and new cures. Policymakers rely on health and pharmaceutical economists for insights into new regulations and approaches to major challenges such as affordability of care and solutions to the opioid crisis.
This balance between innovation and tradition defines pharmacy today, and USC is proud to be among its leaders. Our strategic plan positions our school to continue to contribute to the field in continually new and exciting ways — including educating the next generation of innovators and leaders. And in the Fall 2018 issue of Results, the biannual publication of USC Mann, our faculty, students and alumni come together to share predictions about the future of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science.
In this season of giving thanks, I am grateful for the incredible colleagues I work with as head of USC Mann. That includes my fellow deans of schools of pharmacy throughout the country as well as my partners across the USC campus. Together, we are making pharmacy one of the most respected and pioneering professions in the country and around the world.
Best regards,
Vassilios Papadopoulos, DPharm, PhD, DSc (hon)
Dean, USC School of Pharmacy