Melissa J. Durham, PharmD, MACM, APh, BCACP
Faculty Directory

Melissa J. DurhamPharmD, MACM

Melissa J. DurhamPharmD, MACM

Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Associate Dean of Organizational Success and Well-Being

Titus Family Department of Clinical Pharmacy

Dr. Melissa J. Durham is an Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and the Associate Dean of Organizational Success and Well-Being at USC Mann.  She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree, completed a residency in Community-based Pharmacy Practice, and has a Master of Academic Medicine degree, all from USC.

In her role as Associate Dean of Organizational Success and Well-being, she leads the continual strategic planning, design, implementation, and assessment of the well-being and belonging initiatives at USC Mann. Dr. Durham also contributes to several university-wide initiatives including as a facilitator and culture journey partner for the USC Culture Journey, and as a USC Community Healer.

Dr. Durham is a clinical pharmacist at the USC Pain Center, where she established and runs a pharmacist-led pain medication management service for patients with a variety of complicated chronic nononcologic pain conditions. She is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with chronic pain through patient-centered and compassionate care. The value of her unique practice model has been recognized and published both nationally and internationally. Dr. Durham is also a practicing community pharmacist and provides a valuable and unique perspective of a clinician who is both a prescriber and a dispenser.

Dr. Durham teaches in a variety of subject areas, including pain management, cultural competence/humility, health equity/justice, leadership, well-being, and professional development, and has given numerous presentations and presented papers on the subjects of pain management, the U.S. opioid crisis, leadership, and health professional education. She precepts Doctor of Pharmacy students, community-based and ambulatory care pharmacy practice residents at the USC Pain Center, and has been voted as Professor of the Year by Doctor of Pharmacy students multiple times.


Areas of Expertise

  • Pain Management
  • Community-based Pharmacy Practice
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Leadership, Organizational and Culture Change
  • Education

    Keck School of Medicine of USC

    Master of Academic Medicine (MACM)

    USC School of Pharmacy

    PGY1 Residency, Community-based Pharmacy Practice

    USC School of Pharmacy

    Doctor of Pharmacy

    California State University - Long Beach

    BS, Biochemistry

    California State University - Long Beach

    BA, Chemistry

  • Links
  • Selected Articles

    Implementation and assessment of a pilot, community pharmacy–based, opioid pain medication management program

    Vlada Manzur, Edith Mirzaian, Tiffany Huynh, Amy Lien, Kimberly Ly, Hollie Wong, Mengxi Wang, Mimi Lou, Melissa J. Durham

    This study aimed to evaluate care gaps in risk- and harm-reduction strategies for patients prescribed opioids and to describe the implementation of a community pharmacy–based, pilot pain-management program.

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    Current interventions to promote safe and appropriate pain management

    Laney K Jones, Pharm.D., M.P.H, Mia E Lussier, B.S, Jasmit Brar, M.D, Mary C Byrne, Pharm.D., BCPS, CJCP, Melissa Durham, Pharm.D., M.A.C.M., APh, BCACP, Fleurette Kiokemeister, M.S.N., R.N, Klaus Kjaer, M.D, Huy Le, Pharm.D, Chelsea Magee, Pharm.D., BCPS, Erin McKnight, M.D., M.P.H, Neel Mehta, M.D, Joan Papp, M.D., FACEP, Elzbieta Pastwa, Ph.D., D.Sc, Patti Radovich, Ph.D., C.N.S., FCCM, Kristopher Ravin, Pharm.D, Michelle Ruther, M.S.N., R.N, Gloriana Woodie, B.A.S., M.S, Sharon Wrona, D.N.P., R.N.-B.C., P.N.P., P.M.H.S., A.P.-P.M.N, Gholamreza Yousefvand, M.D., M.M.S, Gerard Greskovic, B.S.Pharm., CDE, CACP

    Describe patient-, clinician-, system-, and community-level interventions for pain management developed and employed by 9 healthcare systems across the United States and report on lessons learned from the implementation of these interventions.

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    Clinical Pharmacy Services in a Multidisciplinary Specialty Pain Clinic

    Pain Practice
    Maral Semerjian, Melissa J. Durham, Edith Mirzaian, Mimi Lou, Steven H. Richeimer

    To describe a model of clinical pharmacy services as part of a multidisciplinary specialty pain clinic by discussing 1) the role of a clinical pharmacist in a specialty setting, including clinical interventions implemented, and 2) how integration of a clinical pharmacist may translate into an improved patient care model for the management of chronic pain.

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  • Selected Media Appearances

    Deadly Pill - Limited series exploring the role of fentanyl in the U.S. Opioid Crisis

    KFI News (iheartRadio)

    Featured on Episode 2 and Bonus 1

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    Women in Medicine Spotlight: Dr. Melissa Durham


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    A landmark opioid trial puts spotlight on pharmacy chains CVS, Walmart and Walgreens


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