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Research & Faculty

Our multifaceted and collaborative research enterprise maintains significant international impact. Our four departments—Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, and Regulatory and Quality Sciences—provide a unique and dynamic environment for laboratory discovery, translational breakthroughs, policy solutions and regulatory innovation. 


Why USC?

Our research faculty is world renowned for its innovative and collaborative research.

Houda testimonial headshot

Why is USC a great setting for your research?

“Being in the school of pharmacy allows me the opportunity to interact with biochemists, pharmaceutical scientists, and bioengineers. We’re in very close proximity to the cancer center, so we always have access to patient samples. And this is a very important source to translate our findings into validating them into patient cohorts but also bringing ideas from patients and trying to study them in the lab. That interaction with the clinicians, the hematologists, the oncologists at the cancer center is absolutely important.” 

Houda Alachkar

PharmD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy

Improving Health Locally and Globally

Every aspect of our work is dedicated to innovation for a healthier world.


Collaborating for Greater Results

Our alliances across USC include the Keck School of Medicine, Viterbi School of Engineering, Price School of Public Policy, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, Marshall School of Business, Gould School of Law, and Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences. However, our research and teaching initiatives extend far beyond campus and California, with numerous external academic and industry partnerships across the nation and around the world. Frequent local collaborators include Caltech, Cedars-Sinai, City of Hope, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine, Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center, Keck Hospital of USC and RAND Corp.

2023 Research Impact Report
