Faculty Directory

Maryann WuEdD

Maryann WuEdD

Assistant Dean for Assessment and Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy

Titus Family Department of Clinical Pharmacy

Maryann Wu currently serves as assistant dean for assessment and assistant professor of clinical pharmacy at the USC Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. She received her master’s degree in higher education and student affairs from The Ohio State University and doctorate in educational leadership from the USC Rossier School of Education.

Since joining the USC Mann School in 2016, Wu has played a key role in building the PharmD assessment program, implementing the PharmD curriculum, and ensuring the school continues to uphold all standards required by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).

She is also the co-founder of AARDVARC (the Automated Approach to Reviewing and Developing Valuable Assessment Resources for your Curriculum) and PHARCAR (Pharmacy Consolidated Annual Review), two software products developed at the USC Mann School. With the support of the USC Stevens Center for Innovation, AARDVARC received a provisional patent in 2018 and copyright in 2020.

In 2023, Wu was additionally appointed assistant dean for assessment for graduate education and post-doctoral studies.

Wu’s research interests are in curriculum and instruction, assessment, student learning and motivation, innovation, educational technology, artificial intelligence, student development, and career development in higher education.

Areas of Expertise

  • Assessment
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Technology
  • Innovation
  • Student Learning and Motivation
  • Student Development
  • Career Development
  • Diversity and Inclusion Issues in Higher Education
  • Education

    University of Southern California


    The Ohio State University


    Miami University


  • Links
  • Selected Articles

    Using Artificial Intelligence to Evaluate Sequencing of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Schedules for Residency Matching Success

    American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Newsletter Vol. 10(2): pp. 9-12
    Wang, Y., Wu, M., Haworth I.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) may offer a novel strategy for identifying factors that could impact post-graduation success. Using AI, factors may be identified about the sequence of an APPE schedule that may enhance a student’s chances of reaching their post-graduation goals. A team at the University of Southern California Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences started building a model called AI-SiPS (Success in Pharmacy School), to identify factors in a student’s APPE schedule that may impact outcomes, such as their residency match rate, acquisition of community positions, and entry into industry fellowships, after graduation.

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    Exploring the Effect of Virtual Education on Student Pharmacists’ Confidence toward APPE Readiness

    Mirzaian, E., White, S.J., Karim, M., Franson, K.L., Wu, M., Wang, Y.

    This article describes the perceived confidence of students to start their advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs) and compared this to curricular changes, employment obligations, and the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of their pre-APPE and APPE curriculum.

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    Assessment of the Impact of Co-Curricular Activities on Achievement of Doctor of Pharmacy Program Outcomes

    Currents in Pharmacy Teaching & Learning
    Matthews, M.E., Avoundjian, A., Ameripour, D., Fakolade, W., Wu, M., Haworth, I.S.

    Co-curricular activities are recognized as an increasingly important aspect of pharmacy education. The purpose of this study was to assess student perceived progress in achieving program outcomes through voluntary co-curricular activities compared with learning of the same outcomes through mandatory curricular activities.

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    Using Technology to Automate Syllabus Construction for Programmatic, Curricular, Faculty and Experiential Assessment Activities

    International Journal of Educational Management
    Wu, M., Brill, D.A., Shirodkar, M.P., Tan, J., Poptani, M., Wang, Y. and Haworth, I.S.

    AARDVARC (Automated Approach to Reviewing and Developing Valuable Assessment Resources for your Curriculum) was created with the core function of standardizing course syllabi through the use of a web-based portal and the ability to query fields within the portal to collect multiple points of data. AARDVARC permits quick and efficient gathering of programmatic, curricular, faculty, teaching, preceptor and financial data to facilitate meaningful change and a shared responsibility of assessment. This software has allowed automatic completion of complex analytics each semester, including coverage of program outcomes, course learning objectives, teaching and assessment methods, course readings, topics covered in the curriculum, faculty teaching hours, experiential activities, coverage of disease states and scheduling of peer observation of teaching.

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    Innovation Using a Web-Based Syllabus Platform for Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs)

    American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Newsletter Vol. 7(2): pp. 13-14
    Wang, Y., Shirodkar, M., Wu, M., Haworth, I.

    This article describes the use of AARDVARC (Automated Approach to Reviewing and Developing Valuable Assessment Resources for your Curriculum) for advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs).

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  • Accomplishments

    2024 Monash University Pharmacy Education Symposium (PES) Best Oral Presentation

    The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacy Education to Create Opportunities for Change

    2023 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Best Poster Award

    Investing in Student Success Through the Use of Artificial Intelligence

    2022 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Best Poster Award

    An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Assessment of Student Success: From Concept to Implementation

    2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Excellence in Assessment Honorable Mention

    AARDVARC: An Automated Approach to Reviewing and Developing Valuable Assessment Resources for your Curriculum

  • Research Grants

    Artificial Intelligence for Design of Optimal Pathways for Success in Pharmacy School: AI-SiPS

    University of Southern California Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 20220727

    The University of Southern California has identified artificial intelligence (AI) as a top priority research initiative and has allocated significant resources from a major gift received from the Lord Foundation towards this initiative. The USC Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has funded innovative research projects that leverage AI and machine learning towards discovery, education, and clinical care, including AI-SiPS.