
Vassilios Papadopoulos, DPharm, PhD, DSc (hon)
Dean, USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Phone: (323) 442-1369
Associate Deans
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
Phone: (323) 442-1393
The Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs reports to the Dean and has responsibility for the coordination and oversight of clinical services of faculty, staff and residents, and for the oversight of all clinical training provided to students. More specifically, he:
- Provides strategic oversight of the School’s community pharmacies’ operations in terms of: (i) clinical programs and (ii) development of new services.
- Provides leadership, coordination, negotiation and oversight of clinical services of faculty, staff and residents in Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center, Keck Hospital of USC and USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital, safety-net Clinics and other off-campus faculty/staff practice sites.
- Develops and plans faculty documentation and provision of clinical services. Assures student programs are coordinated and supervised.
- Negotiates or participates in negotiations on contracts, and ensures services provided and programs are strategic to the School and meeting the needs of the clinic and future practice.
- Coordinates with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions regarding mentoring of students.
- Provides strategic planning, leadership and oversight of clinical residency and clinical fellowship programs to ensure training programs are high quality.
- Provides strategic leadership, planning and oversight of PharmD experiential programs (IPPE/APPE).
- Provides strategic leadership and oversight of Continuing Professional Development programs.
- Provides strategic leadership to Pharmaceutical Care Management (PCM) Development and Implementation in terms of budget, faculty activities, planning and coordination with teaching programs, consortium planning with USC and other schools, Faculty Practice Plan planning and oversight.
- Strategizes and provides support in promoting and managing private grants.
- Participates in strategic planning for the School and supports the Dean in School Fund Raising Initiatives.
- Works closely with the other Associate Deans of the School.
- Keeps the Dean informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues.
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.

Phone: (323)442-1427
The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education reports to the Dean and has the responsibility for all matters pertaining to the School’s undergraduate curriculum and student body. More specifically, he:
- Oversees the operations of the Office of Undergraduate Education.
- Oversees the curriculum, activities and programming and provides teaching oversight of the undergraduate program.
- Supervises undergraduate student activities and events on the University Park Campus and the Health Sciences Campus.
- Represents the school in university committees as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, and communicates information with faculty and staff.
- Represents the undergraduate program within the school, the university and with external constituencies and partners
- Develops and implements strategies to continuously expand and enhance undergraduate programming and increase undergraduate enrollment.
- Participates in strategic planning for the School and supports the Dean in School Fund Raising Initiatives.
- Works closely with the other Associate Deans of the School.
- Keeps the Dean informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues.
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.
Associate Dean of Organizational Success and Well-Being
Phone: 323-442-1481
The Associate Dean of Organizational Success and Well-Being reports to the Dean and is responsible for developing strategies and facilitating the implementation of systems, processes, structures, communication, and programming that embody the School’s values of Well-being and Belonging. More specifically, the Associate Dean of Organizational Success and Well-Being:
- Oversees the Office of Organizational Success and Well-Being.
- Oversees and is the point of contact for the School’s strategic planning and implementation processes related to well-being and belonging.
- Supports and advises the School’s Affinity and Wellness groups.
- Works closely with the Associate Deans of Academic and Student Affairs, Graduate Affairs, Faculty Affairs, the Assistant Deans of Curriculum and Assessment, the School Communications team, and Alumni Affairs
- Works with key partners in the School to facilitate incorporation of principles of well-being and belonging into curricula and continuing professional development for students, faculty, staff, and preceptors.
- Collaborates with key partners to advance well-being and belonging initiatives within the health sciences, USC, and with external partners.
- Works with the School communications team to craft and disseminate effective messaging for well-being and belonging initiatives.
- Assesses the School climate and changing needs of School stakeholders on an ongoing basis.
- Assesses well-being and belonging initiatives and shares the progress of the School in scholarly and other public forums.
- Keeps the Dean informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues.
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.
Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Phone: (323) 442-1975
The Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs reports to the Dean, primarily focusing on the educational and practical needs of the PharmD program and its approximately 800 students in the four-year program. Supported by assistant deans and an able staff, the Associate Dean provides vision and leadership to combine all aspects of student affairs with the related areas of academic performance and curriculum structure, assessment, and accreditation. The academic component addresses student performance, curriculum development and review, accreditation, teaching and student assessment and related issues, while the student affairs component includes admissions, financial aid, advising and other areas important to the student experience.
More specifically, she:
- Manages and directs the curriculum committee to continually improve the delivery of an effective educational experience.
- Oversees, implements and maintains the overarching USC structures for admissions, student affairs and the management of all student-related issues.
- Assesses the stresses inherent in an intensive pharmacy education and works to incorporate wellness, support, diversity and inclusion programs into the student experience.
- Develops and directs, with collaborative support from faculty, staff, and committees, an effective process for the assessment of teaching faculty, the student experience, the relevance of curriculum, and related areas.
- Handles student behavioral and/or academic performance issues through the collaborative use of relevant committees, counseling, mentoring, student/faculty pairing, and other available university resources.
- Represents the school with interprofessional education (IPE) opportunities and requirements.
- Works collaboratively with the department chairs and other associate deans in the areas of faculty affairs, clinical affairs and graduate education and research as part of the leadership team at the school.
- Participates in strategic planning for the School and supports the Dean in School Fund Raising Initiatives.
- Works closely with the other Associate Deans of the School.
- Keeps the Dean informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues.
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.

Chief International Officer
Phone: (323) 442‑1455
The Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Studies reports to the Dean and oversees the Office of Graduate Education. He will develop and implement strategies to increase graduate and postdoctoral fellowship and training grant submission. Additionally, in conjunction with the department chairs, he will support master’s and PhD programs and develop a program providing support for postdoctoral fellows. More specifically, he:
- Oversees the Office of Graduate Education and the Graduate Affairs Committee and appoints the committee chair. Serves as an ex-officio member of the Graduate Affairs Committee.
- Oversees the evaluation, staffing and budgeting needs of the Office of Graduate Education; reallocation and reassignment of funds and staffing to meet the School’s mission.
- Develops and participates in the recruitment and admissions strategy. Development of innovative strategies to increase graduate student enrollment. Provides data analysis to drive decisions supporting recruitment, retention, and graduation.
- Assessment of existing and creation of new graduate degree programs and certificates.
- Provides services to students throughout their studies at the School.
- Develops productive partnerships with schools/colleges and external stakeholders (academic institutions and the private sector).
- Participates in strategic planning for the School and supports the Dean in School Fund Raising Initiatives.
- Works closely with the other Associate Deans of the School.
- Keeps the Dean informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues.
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.
Associate Dean of Curriculum
Phone: 323-442-1345
The Associate Dean of Curriculum reports to the Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs is responsible for the development of the four-year Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum including curriculum development, innovation and support, and development of teaching and assessment methodologies and policies. The Associate Dean of Curriculum also:
- Serves as an expert resource for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and partners about the curriculum.
- Documents and maintains mapping of curricular content and its advancement across the four years.
- Oversees the coordination of curricular schedules including courses and assessments.
- Collaborates with course coordinators to support course planning, development, alignment, scheduling, communications, and use of technology to support student engagement and active learning.
- Works closely with faculty, staff, Associate and Assistant Deans and Department Chairs to address teaching and learning needs.
- Leads monthly course coordinator meetings.
- Collaborates with Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion to identify needs and incorporate strategies for inclusive teaching and learning in the curriculum.
- Collaborates with Graduate Affairs office to coordinate teaching assistant roles for PharmD courses and assessments.
- Collaborates across departments and schools to support dual degree programs and to provide students with opportunities for academic individualization toward advanced and innovative pharmacy careers.
- Facilitates education technology integration and affiliations.
- Supports the curriculum committee to continually improve the delivery of a quality, progressive doctor of pharmacy curriculum.
- Represents the school on the University Academic Planning Committee.
- Oversees roles of the Program Administrator for Curriculum and Academic Program Administrator for Co-Curriculum.
- Works closely with the other Associate Deans of the School.
- Keeps the Dean informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues.
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Phone: (323) 442-1339
The Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs reports to the Dean and is responsible for the complete portfolio of faculty performance and support. He oversees the role of the faculty in implementing the strategic plan for its participation in the delivery of high quality student-centric education. He also works with the development of new programs, faculty resources to support them, and encourages the development of novel and effective means for faculty interaction with their students and the administration. The Associate Dean ensures that the faculty are well supported in their role and are vested in the success of their students. Annual performance reviews and matters of general faculty affairs belong in his portfolio. More specifically, he:
- Represents the School in University committees as Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, and communicates information with faculty and staff.
- Coordinates with Department chairs to ensure faculty development and mentoring in every department.
- Develops relationships within the University with offices such as the Center for Excellence in Teaching, University Committee on Curriculum (UCOC) and Academic Medicine program to provide faculty development.
- Participates in faculty recruitment to ensure fairness and diversity considerations. Chairs the School committee on promotion and tenure. Identifies outside part-time faculty to teach in the PharmD program. Determines and arranges for their honorarium.
- Shares with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs the oversight of the Office of Diversity Affairs.
- Responsible for organizing and training pharmacy faculty mentors for students.
- Coordinates faculty retreats.
- Oversees the Faculty Appeals Committee, which deals with faculty grievances. Serves as an ex officio member of the committee. Makes sure that faculty academic performance problems are handled in a timely and fair manner.
- Provides teaching consultation and assessments to faculty and administration.
- Participates in strategic planning for the School and supports the Dean in School Fund Raising Initiatives.
- Works closely with the other Associate Deans of the School.
- Keeps the Dean informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues.
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.
Associate Dean for Research
Phone: (323) 442-1356
The Associate Dean for Research reports to the Dean and supervises the Research Affairs Office with oversight regarding the pre-award segment of funded research through the proposal process, editing, and submission. She will seed and develop collaborative, interdisciplinary and translational research through diverse mechanisms across the departments and centers. In addition, her office will support various research functions including the purchasing and maintenance of common major lab equipment, oversight of research infrastructure and core facilities, assessment of research space allocation through consultation with the space committee, and recommendations on bridge funding requests. More specifically, she:
- Oversees the evaluation, staffing and budgeting needs of the Research Affairs Office; reallocation and reassignment of funds and staffing to meet the School’s mission.
- Supervises the Research Affairs Office to facilitate research grant submission, identification of funding agencies and requests for application (RFA), and scientific editing of grants by outsourcing and provide data management for research activities and evaluation.
- Seeds and develops collaborative, interdisciplinary and translational research through diverse mechanisms across the departments and centers.
- In coordination with department chairs, provides research education for faculty including workshops.
- Responsible for research infrastructure and core facilities, as well as research space reallocation and assignment through consultation with the space committee.
- Oversees the Research Committee and appoints the Chair of the Committee. Serves as an ex-officio member of the Research Committee.
- Develops and manages a budget to support research functions including seminars/workshops, service contracts, major lab equipment, and bridge funding.
- Makes recommendations to the Dean on bridge funding requests to be funded by the School.
- Represents the school in university committees as Associate Dean for Research, and communicates information with faculty and staff.
- Participates in strategic planning for the School and supports the Dean in School Fund Raising Initiatives.
- Works closely with the other Associate Deans of the School.
- Keeps the Dean informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues.
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.
Department Chairs
Professor of Clinical Pharmacy
Chair, Titus Family Department of Clinical Pharmacy
Phone: 323-442-1840
The Chair, Titus Family Department of Clinical Pharmacy, reports to the dean and has the following administrative responsibilities in the School:
- Serving as the department’s chief academic officer, overseeing the department’s contributions to the School’s educational programs
- Working in partnership with the associate deans to initiate and direct plans for faculty recruitment and retention, as well as appointments, promotion, tenure and post-tenure actions in compliance with all School and University policies
- Managing department personnel activities, including staff evaluations, ensuring consistency in the enforcement of policies
- Representing the department within the School, the University and with external constituencies and partners
- Acting as the department’s chief administrative officer, managing the budget and accounts supporting the department’s functions
- Mentoring junior faculty
Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics
Phone: 213-821-7958
The Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, reports to the dean and has the following administrative responsibilities in the School:
- Serving as the department’s chief academic officer, overseeing the department’s contributions to the School’s educational programs
- Working in partnership with the associate deans to initiate and direct plans for faculty recruitment and retention, as well as appointments, promotion, tenure and post-tenure actions in compliance with all School and University policies
- Managing department personnel activities, including staff evaluations, ensuring consistency in the enforcement of policies
- Representing the department within the School, the University and with external constituencies and partners
- Acting as the department’s chief administrative officer, managing the budget and accounts supporting the department’s functions
- Mentoring junior faculty

Phone: 323-442-1975
The Chair, Department of Regulatory and Quality Sciences, reports to the dean and has the following administrative responsibilities in the School:
- Serving as the department’s chief academic officer, overseeing the department’s contributions to the School’s educational programs
- Working in partnership with the associate deans to initiate and direct plans for faculty recruitment and retention, as well as appointments, promotion, tenure and post-tenure actions in compliance with all School and University policies
- Managing department personnel activities, including staff evaluations, ensuring consistency in the enforcement of policies
- Representing the department within the School, the University and with external constituencies and partners
- Acting as the department’s chief administrative officer, managing the budget and accounts supporting the department’s functions
- Mentoring junior faculty

Phone: 323-442-1670
The Chair, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, reports to the dean and has the following administrative responsibilities in the School:
- Serving as the department’s chief academic officer, overseeing the department’s contributions to the School’s educational programs
- Working in partnership with the associate deans to initiate and direct plans for faculty recruitment and retention, as well as appointments, promotion, tenure and post-tenure actions in compliance with all School and University policies
- Managing department personnel activities, including staff evaluations, ensuring consistency in the enforcement of policies
- Representing the department within the School, the University and with external constituencies and partners
- Acting as the department’s chief administrative officer, managing the budget and accounts supporting the department’s functions
- Mentoring junior faculty
Administrative Leadership and Assistant Deans

Phone: (323) 442-1385
The Chief Operating Officer reports to the Dean and has responsibility for providing day-to-day leadership and management for the school, participating in the development of long-range strategic plans, governance structure and objectives for practice management. More specifically, he:
- Oversees all financial and administrative operations functions and contributes directly to development and implementation of comprehensive multi-functional operations strategies
- Provides recommendations to senior leadership regarding requirements for support services, use of school assets and development of unit-wide operational strategies
- Maintains ongoing evaluation, analysis and reporting of school financial and operational performance against strategic priorities
- Designs and implements business operations strategies, governance structures, and administrative procedures pertaining to university resources (e.g., employees, facilities, finances, information technology)
- Collaborates with and provides guidance to senior leadership, executive staff and department managers on varied operational requirements to ensure ongoing maintenance and currency of the operations infrastructure
- Works with the office and financial managers to manage and oversee all financial and business planning activities
- Oversees the reporting and monitoring of organizational performance metrics
- Provides clear information, advice and recommendations to senior management regarding strategic development of support services, the use of school assets and the development of activities to ensure the best possible learning environment for students
- Directs the administrative and financial operations for the school through subordinate managers, supervisors and professional staff
- Develops, implements and provides leadership oversight for comprehensive operational processes across key financial and administrative units, including finance, human resources, information technology and facilities
- Reviews overall talent selection, management and employee engagement strategies, promoting an environment that fosters inclusive relationships and creates unbiased opportunities for contributions through ideas, words, and actions that uphold principles of the USC Code of Ethics
- Keeps the Dean informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.
Chief Pharmacy Officer, Keck Medicine of USC
Phone: 323-442-8737
Chief Development Officer
Phone: 323-442-1738
Executive Director, USC Pharmacies
Assistant Dean for Assessment
Phone: 323-442-1768
The Assistant Dean for Assessment reports to the Dean and Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and has the following administrative responsibilities in the School:
- Provides strategic oversight and relevant data needed for USC Mann Strategic Plan and PharmD Assessment Plan.
- Develops and directs, with collaborative support from faculty, staff, and committees, an effective process for the assessment of enrollment, student experience, student learning, relevance of the curriculum, faculty productivity, and related areas.
- Provides leadership, planning, oversight, and development of technological innovations for the School to support programmatic, curricular, and faculty assessment needs.
- Upholds all assessment standards to ensure ongoing reaccreditation with the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).
- Works closely with the Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, and Department Chairs of the School.
- Keeps senior leadership team informed on a timely basis of all emergent issues.
- Performs additional tasks and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Dean.